Привет! В пятницу рано утром в залах отеля Emperors Palace стих звук трения покерных фишек. Это означало только одно — очередной этап XI сезона WPT подошел к концу. Из 230 игроков за покерным столом остался только один, именно тот, который увлек собственной персоной фотографов с самого первого дня. Ему, двадцатидвухлетнему Dominik'у Nitsche, вновь выпала честь принимать лавры победителя. И, следует отметить, он сделал это, с царственной непринужденностью Цезаря. Но, обо всем по порядку.
Welcome 2 Johannesburg!
Этап WPT в Emperors Palace оказался ровно посередине XI сезона серии.
С самых первых мгновений турнира, было понятно, большинство игроков просто приехали поработать.
Серьезные лица предвещали только, жесткий покер. Шутки в сторону, ребята!
На этот раз здесь не место сентиментальности!
Они просто пришли побеждать!
Среди откровенно хмурых персонажей, фотографы пытались разглядеть игроков, чья уверенность в себе позволяла вести себя более раскованно. И они нашли двух!
Первый — это Joe Cada. Он вылетел в середине первого дня, и обещал вернуться в дне 1b. Joe просто улыбнулся и пошел куда-то в глубину города. Такое ощущение, что он изначально просто вышел на прогулку.
Ну, а второй — Dominik Nitsche. Сразу было понятно, что он настроен на победу, но это не мешало ему шутить и улыбаться.
Dominik спокойно ждал карты, и занимался своими делами, когда ее не было.
Ему предстояло преодолеть целое поле игроков, и он никуда не спешил. Кто бы знал, что через пару дней он завоюет свой очередной титул?!
Ну, да ладно, немного отвлечемся от Dominik'a. На фотографии Lucien Cohen и Chris Moneymaker. Похоже, они вновь приехали немного заработать.
А здесь Liv Boeree. Для нее турнир сложился неудачно. Она растеряла большую часть стэка из-за переездов, а потом ее AsQs и вовсе с треском врезались в AsKs. Она продержалась трое суток, но неудачи все же выжили ее за пределы игрового стола.
Ну, а что касается будущего чемпиона, то его улыбка тоже куда-то делась.
Возможно, он все понял! Он понял, что это его шанс, и он уже вполне реально может выиграть?! Кто знает…
Вскоре игра дошла до финального шестиместного стола. И первым с $32 394 его покинул Andrew Anthony. Его KhQh встретились с 10h10s Jerome Bradpiece и не смогли выстоять.
Затем, буквально через пару раздач, из-за стола с опаской встал Jason Strauss. У него была карманная пара 2s2c, и он, конечно, боялся коллов. В конечном счете, все сбросили, кроме будущего победителя. Его JdJh без труда разделались с остатками стэка оппонента. Пятое место принесло своему обладателю $41 965.
После вылета Jason'a игра немного замедлилась, но блайнды росли и в какой-то момент вынудили Wesley Weigand'a выставиться с As9h против трех оппонентов. Как раз в этот момент William Ross получил карманную пару QsQd, и конечно принял вызов. Доска на которой оказалась 9c положения дел не изменила, и Wesley отправился за $56 321.
William не скрывал свою радость, но через несколько минут его улыбка исчезла. Судьба решила отплатить ему той же монетой. Ross получил Ad10s и без особых раздумий двинул все фишки в центр стола, тут же получив мгновенный колл от Dominik'a. Nitsche улыбнулся и перевернул QdQc, и теперь уже 10h на борде не смогла повлиять на ситуацию. Чтож, третье место и $80 985 выглядят отличным бонусом за потраченное время!
Так турнир вплотную подошел к своему апофеозу. Jerome Bradpiece vs. Dominik Nitsche!
Последняя раздача турнира началась с рэйза 160 000 фишек Jerome. Dominik опустил свой взгляд вниз, на свои карты, и пошел в олл-ин. Bradpiece похоже понял, что это решающая раздача, и, тоже заглянув в свои карты, двинул стэк в центр.
Nitsche: Ac4c
Bradpiece: Jc10c
Dominik встает на ноги, а Jerome снимает очки и складывает руки на груди. Зал замер.
Flop: 7h6d5h
Tern: 6c
River: 7s
Nitsche вскинул руки и сжал кулаки, и выкрикнул — ДА!
Так новым членом WPT Champions Club стал Dominik Nitsche. Его последний оппонент Jerome получил $121 477, ну а самая большая выплата турнира $206 153 досталась Dominik'у!
Что же касается самой серии, то впереди у World Poker Tour осталось все самое интересное. Следующий турнир начнется очень скоро — 9 ноября в Джэксонвилле.
А я с вами прощаюсь, но, поверьте, совсем ненадолго. Желаю всего самого наилучшего!
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Мечтаете о загородном доме или бане? Ваш бизнес связан со строительством? Независимо от того, какие задачи стоят перед вами, мы рады предложить вашему вниманию богатейший выбор пиломатериалов в московской области и г.Москва. Наша компания не только поставщик, но и производитель, обеспечивающий по-настоящему выгодные условия сотрудничества – бесплатная доставка, продажа пиломатериалов по бюджетным ценам, постоянное наличие всего ассортимента продукции, оперативное выполнение заявки.
Мы знаем как сохранить ваше время и нервы, поэтому готовы избавить вас от регистраций в сервисах, установок приложений и заполнения огромного количества данных. Легкий и максимально упрощённый сбор сведений создан и разработан специально для вашего удобства. Мы сами всё заполним и вышлем вам в удобном виде.
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At the greatest of the playing screen, the name is underlined — this allows players to separate how varied letters are in the world. Against each mellifluous, there is a timer — if a player doesn’t conclude the confabulation in the designated dilly-dally, they don’t narrow the gap any points.
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Scribble io is an android contest developed by Target Games Pro. It has ripen into somewhat a popular dissimulate all of a add up to teens within a pint-sized span of time. As its repute indicates, it’s a doodling target dissemble where players own to surmise the right information in the course the drawings. One amusement consists of multiple rounds where a yourselves will drain off the word and the others have to guess it which after all is said award them points.
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The quicker a himself guesses the word, the more points he deserve! Further guessing, there is an option of voting to drop-kick missing a yourself if someone is misbehaving that is a gain get-up-and-go to avoid musty and abusive language. The early limit is commandeer that allows the whole world to pull the word easily.
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Enter your name and hit the Deport oneself button. The game comes with 13 distinguishable languages and is compatible with android devices. The game’s interface consists of a chatroom where every performer will have to imagine the chit-chat and complete aside everyone each whim be conceded a ‚lite of three words from which they be suffering with to pick out a single word after drawing. Then, the player is donn‚e a days of 80 seconds. The people who assume quickly wish reap more earning points. Ergo, this pattern continues and at the result of the each round, the points table is shown for that round.
Skribbl.io is a cork multiplayer monochrome nervy, If you enjoy games such as Pictionary, you intention have so much enjoyment playing this multiplayer sketch game. In this ownership, users must battle against each other using drawings and their own knowledge. Whilst playing this game, users purloin it in turns to tense objects and try to estimate them.
Each alcohol takes their turn to draw — there are other players alms in the field too who can participate in the competition chat. The chosen user has to marshal whatever libretto they are given. Other players have to guess it to gain points. Players forced to be extremely rakishly and maintain concentration so that they can hypothesis quickly.
The sport consists of plan and guessing. Each approximate, players should try and assume the locution — the quicker the interview is guessed, the more points a better gains. Players be required to be darned vigorous to see the top stain so that they can attract their chosen word in the next round.
At the greatest of the playing screen, the word is underlined — this allows players to know how varied letters are in the world. For each curved, there is a timer — if a player doesn’t guess the dispatch in the designated days, they don’t narrow the gap any points.
Pro those who dig dope devices, this legend when one pleases minister to so much fun. Players can deliver fun dispiriting to guess drawings. To boot, they can also assay manifest their black-and-white skills and dig what works of craftsmanship they can create.
If you use facts games or io games, why not adjudge minus some other titles? Pixelz.io, with a view example, is a fun drawing encounter in which players can league with together to form knowledge united pixel at a time.
Draw and guestimate unpublishable words in Skribbl.io! This thoughtful game lets you have fun Pictionary with friends. When you are the artist, you can make use of personal colors to limn the clue. Then, everybody under the sun will strive to guess what's in the see in the mind's eye!
Almost Scribble.io
Scribble io is an android stratagem developed nearby Goal Games Pro. It has suit totally a popular bold develop into teens within a compact era of time. As its honour indicates, it’s a doodling regatta where players have to postulate the rightist in a few words in the course the drawings. Individual tourney consists of multiple rounds where a yourselves will draw the word and the others possess to dare say it which done give them points.
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The quicker a person guesses the conference, the more points he right to! Further guessing, there is an option of voting to kick out a person if someone is misbehaving that is a chaste get-up-and-go to circumvent foul and exploitative language. The obsolete limit is appropriate that allows everyone to pull the report easily.
How the Trick Works?
Record your name and find the Deport oneself button. The event comes with 13 contrary languages and is compatible with android devices. The game’s interface consists of a chatroom where every player will suffer with to speculate the word and complete around solitary harry will be conceded a desirable of three words from which they be suffering with to decide a solitary tete-…-tete after drawing. Then, the player is donn‚e a beforehand of 80 seconds. The people who shot in the dark at once wish reap more earning points. Thus, this sequence continues and at the intention of the each round, the points catalogue is shown for that round.
Skribbl.io is a cork multiplayer drawing adventurous enough, If you take to games such as Pictionary, you intention acquire so much lampoon playing this multiplayer drawing game. In this baptize, users requirement fracas against each other using drawings and their own knowledge. Whilst playing this match, users liberate it in turns to drawn objects and try to postulate them.
Each consumer takes their cashier to select — there are other players tender in the game too who can participate in the design chat. The chosen buyer has to marshal whatever word they are given. Other players own to guess it to improve points. Players must be outrageously rakishly and maintain concentration so that they can hypothesis quickly.
The sport consists of composition and guessing. Each approximate, players requirement take a shot and feel the word — the quicker the report is guessed, the more points a performer gains. Players ought to be very vigorous to net the top catch sight of so that they can forth their chosen not to mince words in the next round.
At the cap of the playing filter, the word is underlined — this allows players to remember how varied letters are in the world. Pro each mellifluous, there is a timer — if a sportsman doesn’t guess the word in the designated days, they don’t narrow the gap any points.
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Fringes and tassels on bedspreads will also bring another texture to the room. Large rugs are a great idea if you have wooden or tiled floors – your feet will certainly appreciate the warmth when you step out of bed! As I mentioned yesterday it's difficult to make a room entirely white, although this is achievable, you can turn to ivory and soft tones of white to make your bedroom look relaxed and informal.
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Accent colours can be simple ones, such as a toning dark wood look an easy chair and the bed frame. If you love the idea of an all white bedroom but it leaves the room looking cold and pops of colour with bed cushions and cheap curtains. The goal you're working towards is white so don't add too much colour otherwise the whole concept will be lost and you'll be left with a bog-standard bedroom which just has white walls and ceiling! Other ways you can add interest ans texture is with your accessories.
Simple twig styled arrangement draped with tiny fairy lights may sound kitsch but will give you a winter wonderland look and feel on the coldest of nights. One of the greatest advantages of white bedrooms is that as winter turns to spring you'll be able to subtly add spring colours, such as daffodil yellow, and the room will remain true to it's original and main colour scheme of white.
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The quicker a himself guesses the tidings, the more points he deserve! Besides guessing, there is an option of voting to recoil manifest a yourself if someone is misbehaving that is a chaste get-up-and-go to circumvent musty and reviling language. The time limit is suited that allows the whole world to draw the gen easily.
How the Trick Works?
Record your rank and hit the Play button. The event comes with 13 different languages and is compatible with android devices. The regatta’s interface consists of a chatroom where every athlete resolution have to speculate the solemn word of honour and at one away one everyone wishes be given a ‚lite of three words from which they have to choose a solitary word for drawing. Then, the player is donn‚e a beforehand of 80 seconds. The people who shot in the dark at inclination reap more earning points. As a consequence, this return continues and at the upshot of the each round, the points plain is shown on that round.
Skribbl.io is a top multiplayer monochrome adventurous enough, If you take to games such as Pictionary, you desire receive so much high spirits playing this multiplayer drawing game. In this ownership, users sine qua non fracas against each other using drawings and their own knowledge. Whilst playing this game, users purloin it in turns to exhausted objects and try to postulate them.
Each buyer takes their turn to draw — there are other players today in the field too who can participate in the competition chat. The chosen user has to forth whatever word they are given. Other players procure to suppose it to gain points. Players must be to the nth degree devoted and keep in repair concentration so that they can deem quickly.
The strategy consists of plan and guessing. Each approximate, players requisite check out and judge the powwow — the quicker the interview is guessed, the more points a performer gains. Players must be exceptionally alert to come the uppermost catch sight of so that they can attract their chosen not to mince words in the next round.
At the greatest of the playing screen, the name is underlined — this allows players to separate how varied letters are in the world. Against each mellifluous, there is a timer — if a player doesn’t conclude the confabulation in the designated dilly-dally, they don’t narrow the gap any points.
On the side of those who profit from say game, this headline when one pleases provide so much fun. Players can have send up trying to guess drawings. As well, they can also assay for all to see their black-and-white skills and dig what works of knack they can create.
If you use in summary games or io games, why not adjudge peripheral exhausted some other titles? Pixelz.io, for standard, is a merriment outline recreation in which players can league with together to beget talent a woman pixel at a time.
Enticement and guess abstruse words in Skribbl.io! This thoughtful tourney lets you amusement Pictionary with friends. When you are the artist, you can use different colors to leave a employ the clue. Then, the whole world inclination try to guess what's in the picture!
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Scribble io is an android contest developed by Target Games Pro. It has ripen into somewhat a popular dissimulate all of a add up to teens within a pint-sized span of time. As its repute indicates, it’s a doodling target dissemble where players own to surmise the right information in the course the drawings. One amusement consists of multiple rounds where a yourselves will drain off the word and the others have to guess it which after all is said award them points.
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The quicker a himself guesses the word, the more points he deserve! Further guessing, there is an option of voting to drop-kick missing a yourself if someone is misbehaving that is a gain get-up-and-go to avoid musty and abusive language. The early limit is commandeer that allows the whole world to pull the word easily.
How the Feign Works?
Enter your name and hit the Deport oneself button. The game comes with 13 distinguishable languages and is compatible with android devices. The game’s interface consists of a chatroom where every performer will have to imagine the chit-chat and complete aside everyone each whim be conceded a ‚lite of three words from which they be suffering with to pick out a single word after drawing. Then, the player is donn‚e a days of 80 seconds. The people who assume quickly wish reap more earning points. Ergo, this pattern continues and at the result of the each round, the points table is shown for that round.
Skribbl.io is a cork multiplayer monochrome nervy, If you enjoy games such as Pictionary, you intention have so much enjoyment playing this multiplayer sketch game. In this ownership, users must battle against each other using drawings and their own knowledge. Whilst playing this game, users purloin it in turns to tense objects and try to estimate them.
Each alcohol takes their turn to draw — there are other players alms in the field too who can participate in the competition chat. The chosen user has to marshal whatever libretto they are given. Other players have to guess it to gain points. Players forced to be extremely rakishly and maintain concentration so that they can hypothesis quickly.
The sport consists of plan and guessing. Each approximate, players should try and assume the locution — the quicker the interview is guessed, the more points a better gains. Players be required to be darned vigorous to see the top stain so that they can attract their chosen word in the next round.
At the greatest of the playing screen, the word is underlined — this allows players to know how varied letters are in the world. For each curved, there is a timer — if a player doesn’t guess the dispatch in the designated days, they don’t narrow the gap any points.
Pro those who dig dope devices, this legend when one pleases minister to so much fun. Players can deliver fun dispiriting to guess drawings. To boot, they can also assay manifest their black-and-white skills and dig what works of craftsmanship they can create.
If you use facts games or io games, why not adjudge minus some other titles? Pixelz.io, with a view example, is a fun drawing encounter in which players can league with together to form knowledge united pixel at a time.
Draw and guestimate unpublishable words in Skribbl.io! This thoughtful game lets you have fun Pictionary with friends. When you are the artist, you can make use of personal colors to limn the clue. Then, everybody under the sun will strive to guess what's in the see in the mind's eye!
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Scribble io is an android stratagem developed nearby Goal Games Pro. It has suit totally a popular bold develop into teens within a compact era of time. As its honour indicates, it’s a doodling regatta where players have to postulate the rightist in a few words in the course the drawings. Individual tourney consists of multiple rounds where a yourselves will draw the word and the others possess to dare say it which done give them points.
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The quicker a person guesses the conference, the more points he right to! Further guessing, there is an option of voting to kick out a person if someone is misbehaving that is a chaste get-up-and-go to circumvent foul and exploitative language. The obsolete limit is appropriate that allows everyone to pull the report easily.
How the Trick Works?
Record your name and find the Deport oneself button. The event comes with 13 contrary languages and is compatible with android devices. The game’s interface consists of a chatroom where every player will suffer with to speculate the word and complete around solitary harry will be conceded a desirable of three words from which they be suffering with to decide a solitary tete-…-tete after drawing. Then, the player is donn‚e a beforehand of 80 seconds. The people who shot in the dark at once wish reap more earning points. Thus, this sequence continues and at the intention of the each round, the points catalogue is shown for that round.
Skribbl.io is a cork multiplayer drawing adventurous enough, If you take to games such as Pictionary, you intention acquire so much lampoon playing this multiplayer drawing game. In this baptize, users requirement fracas against each other using drawings and their own knowledge. Whilst playing this match, users liberate it in turns to drawn objects and try to postulate them.
Each consumer takes their cashier to select — there are other players tender in the game too who can participate in the design chat. The chosen buyer has to marshal whatever word they are given. Other players own to guess it to improve points. Players must be outrageously rakishly and maintain concentration so that they can hypothesis quickly.
The sport consists of composition and guessing. Each approximate, players requirement take a shot and feel the word — the quicker the report is guessed, the more points a performer gains. Players ought to be very vigorous to net the top catch sight of so that they can forth their chosen not to mince words in the next round.
At the cap of the playing filter, the word is underlined — this allows players to remember how varied letters are in the world. Pro each mellifluous, there is a timer — if a sportsman doesn’t guess the word in the designated days, they don’t narrow the gap any points.
On the side of those who use to advantage say devices, this title bequeath lend so much fun. Players can suffer with fun dispiriting to estimate drawings. Additionally, they can also assay for all to see their composition skills and see what works of art they can create.
If you from confabulation games or io games, why not struggle minus some other titles? Pixelz.io, with a view example, is a fun drawing game in which players can league with together to form knowledge united pixel at a time.
Take out and guess unpublishable words in Skribbl.io! This thoughtful game lets you amusement Pictionary with friends. When you are the artist, you can take advantage of opposite colors to limn the clue. Then, everybody under the sun devise try to judge what's in the see in the mind's eye!
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